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Meetings & Events

Society Meetings/Events for 2024

FMPS Programme of Meetings and Events

Meetings at Halstead Football Club (unless otherwise stated)

Rosemary Lane, Halstead, CO9 1HR  at 8.00pm.

Covid-19 :- Unless the situation changes no covid restrictions will apply

All meetings could be subject to change, Watch this space and Facebook for updates.
Farm Machinery Preservation Society

January 31st 2024 : FMPS AGM

AGM :- The AGM was attended by a good number of members and the existing Officers and Committee were re-elected. Two vacancies on the Committee were filled when David Cope and Paul Ewers were voted in. We feel sure David and Paul will bring some useful ideas to the table and all Officers, Committee and general members welcomed  them.

Meetings & Events - FMPS

February 28th 2024 Club Meeting

The planned Presentation by a volunteer from trinity house was postponed at short notice.

Our  presentation by a volunteer from Trinity House had to be postponed due to the Speaker  experiencing an unexpected situation. We hope to bring you the presentation later in the year. However, the very well attended meeting was given an impromptu talk by Brian Francis on his long and varied career working for Davey Paxman. With no preparation or pre-warning Brian kept us intrigued with his step by step working life spanning some 48 years. Many Thanks Brian, well done.

March 30th Visit To TTT Motorcycles

March 16th Club Visit 2pm

A visit to Earls Colne Heritage Museum saw about 20 members being given a walk around the former site of the Atlas Works  whilst being treated to a really in depth explanation of the buildings and all that the Hunt family achieved. One of the members who attended  is a descendent of the Hunt family and was able to add to the history.

March 31st Museum of Power

Transport Fest :- Langford Museum of Power CM9 6QA

Our Committee member Paul Ewers reported he and several other members attended this event with their Tractors and Stationary Engines. Paul said they had a great day and met many interested people to whom he promoted the Society. Perhaps we might gain a few new members! Overall it was very worthwhile and look forward to next year’s event.

Farm Machinery Preservation Society

April 24th Club Meeting

“The illustrated talk by the Essex and Herts Air Ambulance Trust Senior Fundraising Coordinator was both fascinating and enjoyable.

It prompted a lively question and answer session from our knowledgeable speaker and all who attended now know much more about the workings of the Air Ambulance Charity.

Meetings & Events - FMPS - Stationary Engine Insurance

May 12th Stebbing Charity Tractor Run (Dunmow Essex)

In 2023 we had huge support with almost 90 tractors entered. Fantastic day with all donations for the Essex and Herts Air Ambulance with  £13.000 being donated, this year we hope the total can be matched and even exceeded.

Information and entry form

May 22nd Visit to our new club facility.

Woodhouse Farm Rivenhall CO5 9DF  from 6pm.

May 26th FMPS Tractor Road Run

The start of our great weekend at Woodhouse Farm Rivenhall CO5 9DF

Info and entry form:- Ken Bailey 07702202311

May 27th FMPS crank up

Our Crank Up day, at Woodhouse Farm Rivenhall. Tractors, Engines, Commercials, Cars, Motorcycles Stalls and much more.

Tractor Run and Crank Up   entry form

More information :-   Ken Bailey 07702202311

Farm Machinery Preservation Society

June 26th visit Coopers Farm Lawshall, IP29 4PE 6pm

We were again made very welcome at Coopers Farm Lawshall by our hosts Ray, Debbie and Luke. We were fortunate to have a warm sunny evening for this well attended event and the time just flew by. The collection of farm machinery has grown and there was plenty of opportunity to try your hand at cultivation. We were well fed by Arthur and Kingsley. Thanks to all involved. May have to make it a longer event next time

Farm Machinery Preservation Society

July 21st Langford & Ulting Country Fayre

Langford Museum of Power

July 31st Club Visit Thelnetham Windmill 11am

Thelnetham Windmill is now one of only four preserved tower mills in Suffolk and one of the few windmills in East Anglia in full working order.

Meetings & Events - FMPS - Stationary Engine Insurance

August 10th Waldringfield Tractor Run

21st Tractor Run with all proceeds going to St Elizabeth Hospice.

Download an entry form  HERE

For more information contact David  Cope 07497 514769

Meetings & Events - FMPS - Stationary Engine Insurance

September (Date TBC)

All going to plan the Club Meeting will be at Earls Colne Heliport to view and learn about the new helicopter of the Essex and Herts Air Ambulance Service. Watch this space and our Facebook page for details when confirmed..

Meeting subject to be advised. Watch this space.

Farm Machinery Preservation Society

October 5th/6th Working weekend

Great Henny. (Tractor Run on Saturday 5th)

Tractor Run entries and info:- Ken Bailey 07702 202311

Our annual Working Day at Grove Farm Gt. Henny (CO10 7LT) Ploughing plots for all, this is strictly a “fun day” and gives everyone a chance to work their old machines. Experts and complete novices are welcome. Bring your Stationary Engines and any vintage vehicles or displays. In short everyone welcome to bring along anything and everything. Usual insurance requirements apply.

Working Day contact Mark Cracknell:-  07753 522756

October 30th Member Meeting

A talk by Jeffrey Giblin.  (former President of the FMPS)

Farm Machinery Preservation Society

November 27th: Film night

Farm Machinery Events

December: No Meeting

Have a very Happy Christmas

Remember the AGM  January 29th 2025
Stationary Engine Insurance -Farm Machinery Preservation Society Magazine


The Farm Machinery Preservation Society has produced a Newsletter almost from the outset.

Farm Machinery Preservation Society - Meetings and Events

Meetings & Events

All the latest Society Meeings and up coming events from the Farm Machinery Preservation Society.

Farm Machinery Preservation Society - Membership with Stationary Engine Insurance


Membership of the Farm Machinery Preservation Society for 2021 is just £19.50 per year.