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An introduction to the
FMPS Quarterly Magazine

The Society has produced a Newsletter almost from the outset and originally, it was just a single typed sheet.

The membership was, at the time quite small, and the amount of news, information and “sales and wants” was equally small and therefore the single sheet was quite adequate.

Now, 54 years later the Society and its Newsletter have grown; the Newsletter is now a Magazine, with a high quality colour cover and has up to 40 pages of news, stories, features, sales and wants, forthcoming events and occasionally, the odd  little piece of nonsense.

Contributions are always welcomed from members or other interested parties.

FMPS - Stationary Engine Insurance


click on the links below to view the latest and previous Farm Machinery Preservation Society Newsletters
Stationary Engine Insurance -Farm Machinery Preservation Society Magazine


The Farm Machinery Preservation Society has produced a Newsletter almost from the outset.

Farm Machinery Preservation Society - Meetings and Events

Meetings & Events

All the latest Society Meeings and up coming events from the Farm Machinery Preservation Society.

Farm Machinery Preservation Society - Membership with Stationary Engine Insurance


Membership of the Farm Machinery Preservation Society for 2020 is just £19.50 per year.